The owner of the website is:
Peter Heel
Engelboldhofer Str. 12
D 88299 Leutkirch i.A.
Phone +49 (0)7561 9854774
We won’t accept liability for any external links.
Copyright and use:
You are not permitted to use the materials, to change them, to pass them on to others or to publish
them yourself.
If not expressively mentioned, the owner of the copyright for the texts is Agnes Keil, the rights for
the photographs are predominantly with ©Peter Heel. Otherwise with ©Agnes Keil and
©VG-Bild-Kunst as well as ©Agnes Keil & Peter Heel. Except for the image “Miteinander,
Skulptur und Platzinszenierung, 2005,” whose publication has been kindly permitted by ©Mila Hacke,
as well as two images, photographed by ©Agnes Keil & Günter Keil,
as well as some images "suspire", whose publication has been kindly permitted by ©Fa. BauFritz.
Layout: Agnes Keil and Peter Heel
Programming: Matthias Sommer,
Translation: Sarah Scharpf